It might feel like everyone is getting rich.

Don’t feel rushed.

The last week has been wild for markets. Everyone seems to be winning. Between crypto and stonks, it is absolutely jamming; you may be feeling a little bit of FOMO.

Even the people who really are making money wish they were making more. It is not uncommon for a spike in prices to drive greed but that’s another story.

This is natural. Maybe one of your friends is sending you screenshots of their Dogecoin balances going to the moon, maybe your parents are stoked that their 401(k) value has exploded higher over the past year, maybe your own accounts are going up and you wish you had invested a little bit more.

It’s common to feel left out if you are not at the stage of life where you are consistently investing. It is hard to watch friends and family become seemingly richer, wishing you were in their shoes to reap the benefits of a bull market.

I think it is pretty obvious that investing is far more than throwing money into the market. There are a ton of different ways to invest.

Something our generation appears very keen on is investing in themselves. Whether it’s hitting the gym, eating healthy foods, furthering education, taking lower-paying jobs for the experience to further your career, or ensuring a proper work-life balance, there are a million ways to invest outside of capital markets.

Either way, know that your path doesn’t have to be the same as everyone else’s.

Becoming wealthy is something that happens over time. In 2021 a lot of people suddenly became wealthy. Then in 2022, we returned to earth, with many of these “overnight successes” being absolutely demolished. Sam Bankman-Fried is likely the best example of this.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is to be patient. If you’re not in a spot to invest right now don’t feel like you’re missing out and definitely do not stretch yourself too thin to get invested.

You’ll have plenty of time to experience the euphoric up days like we had last week, just the same as you’ll experience bear markets and big sell-offs.

As an advisor who earns money through investing other people’s money, you’d assume we’re eager to get people investing. Of course, we want people investing, that’s how you build wealth, but we want them doing it sustainably and in a way they can afford to do so.

There are several actions that come before putting money to work in the market and it is different for each client. Only when all of these items have been tended to do we recommend investing.

Take one out of KFC’s founder, Colonel Sanders’ book. The dude didn’t get rich until he was 65. 

This is a very long game we’re playing.

Check me out on X/Twitter, whatever we want to call it now:

Have a more specific question or want to get your finances in order? Feel free to reach out to [email protected] for a free consultation!